Develop And Apply Quick Changeover Procedures

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One Day Courses

Changeover may refer to an exchange of dies/tools(traditional), or a change between batches, or between campaigns. It may be any quantum equipment/process change to produce a different product.

It may sometimes be referred to as SMED which is an abbreviation for Single Minute Exchange of Die; literally, changing a die on a forming or stamping machine in a minute or less; or broadly the ability to perform any set-up activity in a minute or less of machine or process downtime. The key to doing this is frequently the capability to convert internal set-up time to external set-up time; variations on SMED include:

Single-digit set-up: performing a set-up activity in a single-digit number of minutes, i.e. fewer than ten.

OTED: One touch exchange of die; literally, changing a die with one physical motion such as pushing a button; broadly, an extremely simple procedure for performing a set-up activity.

Set-up time – work required to change over a machine or process from one item or operation to the next item or operation; can be divided into two types:

  • internal set-up work that can be done only when the machine or process is not actively engaged in production, or
  • external set-up work that can be done concurrently with the machine or process performing production duties.

While the term die is the traditional term, competitive manufacturers who require changeovers using other equipment are also covered by this course.

This course may not be applicable to a totally continuous operation producing only the one product, or simultaneous range of products. This is not applicable to a maintenance/PVI shutdown as experienced by the continuous process manufacturers. However, where there is continuous manufacturing on a campaign basis, it may be applied to the development of changeover procedures between campaigns or similar changeovers.
In a typical scenario, an organisation has adopted/is adopting a quick changeover approach to its changeovers to equipment required for production. This course applies to the structured development and/or improvement of changeover procedures .

To do this they will critically analyse the existing changeovers and by applying quick changeover principles, develop improved changeover procedures.

This course requires the application of skills associated with communication, problem solving, initiative, enterprise, planning and organising in order to analyse and determine changeover procedures. This course also requires aspects of self management and learning to ensure feedback and new learning is integrated into the development of procedures.

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